My eyes opened today morning, saw the watch, got scared for a minute, as the time was 12.30pm!...later realized...ITS SUNDAY!!!...I was sunken in my dream world when my stomach knocked....where is my breakfast?!..Home alone, Music, my favorite cold coffee,cheese sandwich are my companion for this lazy sunday!...opened the newspaper(after a century), fliping the pages, this article by Pradipta Borgohain and Bala Samson on the assam molestation case caught my eye, which says that if you do not dress up properly and go to pub you are bound to be raped!!
I love to call myself an independent,modern woman but these articles made me think, will my sleeveless ganji and shorts which I am wearing right now qualifies me to get raped?!
Why is the length of the skirt is directly proportional to an rape invitation?
Why is the general notion that girls who wears short dresses are the only rape victims in the world?
Why do people think that girls who wear shorts or trendy attires or go to pub are by default sluts?
Last but no the least, why is always a girl at blame?
Its an ageless notion in India that girls who wear jeans and skirts are characterless....they are giving an invitation to men to come and rape them...guys give me a break!!..if I am wearing anything like that, I love to be experimental with my look and want to enjoy life and its no sort of invitation to anybody for that matter!
As I write this blog, logged on to news channel, here it is again, women moral policing in Mangalore and an MLA describing the hypothesis that how short skirts play with men's testosterone and its a rape invitation card...I want to ask the crowd out there...especially women who are comfortable wearing salwar suit or saree...ARE YOU A VICTIM OF EVE TEASING OR MOLESTATION?...and I can see many hands raising out there!
If a woman is trendy in her dressing sense, sit in a bar to share a drink with her friends are there just to unwind herself from the hectic day is definitely not a bitch!..she is also a human being with a heart just like anyone else!....she is a wonderful daughter, sister and will be a lovely wife and mother!
Last but not the least why is always a woman at blame?...if a guy rapes a woman, why is that nobody points finger at them and they escape just because of the gender superiority?..there are not doing anything great for which they should be applauded!...why are boys not taught to respect not only women but every one as an individual!
I am very much sure that if a man does not treat a woman with respect, he will have the same attitude towards his own mother/sister!...and is definitely directly proportional to the ethics followed at your home!
A 20-year-old girl, employed on need-basis with a catering staff agency , has registered a complaint of molestation and assault on her and three women colleagues with Ranip police on Sunday. What will be the next step ? Source: catering services in chennai